We, the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine in Freehold, NJ of the Diocese of Trenton, united in the faith and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and empowered by our Baptism are called to continue the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. We respond to this call as a people of faith, hope, and love, through the proclamation of the Gospel, celebration of the sacraments, active participation in the sacred liturgy, and sharing our time, talent and treasure to teach and serve our brothers and sisters in Christ, within and outside our parish community with hospitality, grace and charity.
For every bag of coffee or hot chocolate purchased at $12, $5 (or 41% of the sale) goes directly to help support our program. Every one of our delicious coffees is packaged in a Burlap Bag for your keepsake and reuse.
Your purchase also supports Bridging the Gap for Veterans, a nonprofit 501C3 organization with programs supporting the military community.