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Please go to our website www.thecoffeeplatoonfundraising.com (if you’re not here already) and click LET’S GET STARTED at the top of the home page. This will take you directly to our hassle-free online submission form at the bottom. Please be sure to enter your organization's information, upload your logo, and add your mission statement, to share with the public.

Within 48 hours, your unique fundraising hyperlink will be emailed to you and is ready to share on all digital platforms (social media, email, text, via QR code, etc.).

*Additionally: Your group/organizations’ logo will appear on TheCoffeePlatoonFundraising.com website, so people can read your mission statement and any drop point details (if applicable). 


We recommend that you run your fundraiser for 5 - 6 weeks. This creates “a bit” of urgency for supporters to donate/buy and ensures that customers are not waiting too long for their coffee (or cocoa) products to arrive.

$5.00 - for each; 12z bag of grinds/12pk box of single serve pods/Hot Chocolate pods. Tax Free! 

After paying our local roaster for their services (about 60%) the remainder goes towards our parent nonprofit, Bridging the Gap for Veterans and is used for veteran specific programs and services. Such as (but not limited to) job placement assistance. Training and preparation for interviewing. Scholarship awards and companion pet adoption fees. Support for our Operation Suit Up retail store.  

NEVER a minimum!

They simply click your unique fundraising link, which will open The Coffee Platoon® store (which is linked only to your group), choose their products, choose how many, pay by credit or debit, and checkout. Like all e-commerce stores today.


Easy. We track every sale on our data base in a spreadsheet format, with all pertinent customer information and purchase order information. This is available for your perusal at any time during the campaign. 

You are paid upon conclusion. No waiting! 

Then, our order fulfillment center steps in. Picks, packs, and begins shipping orders. Any customer that did not choose direct (door to door) shipping and pay those unfortunately high rates [not our doing, but free shipping for orders over $60 - we tried] will be picking up their products at the prearranged (between The Coffee Platoon® and Fundraising Organizer) drop off point. This will all typically take about 2 weeks from the end of the campaign to completion.


107 million Americans drink coffee, for a daily average of 3.5 cups each per day. We offer products that are not only used every day, making it something people want and need to buy, but also are of the finest quality. Carefully selected beans, roasted locally, so they’re always fresh. Our goal is never bitter, never burnt and we stand by that. Plus, our packaging pays tribute to every branch of the armed forces and our portion of the proceeds benefits our brave woman and men. 

This unique approach, to the hair pulling process of fundraising, will surely be a winner for you. One of the greatest parts is that you have nothing to stock, and this can all be managed from a phone. 

Need more reasons?


Call or email us any time of the day or night:

